History of Art and Architecture in Brazil
Created in 1980 by an initiative of the Arts Department, the specialization course in History of Art and Architecture in Brazil became the responsibility of the History department in 1984. Since its creation this course is attended by a very diversified audience made up of artists, architects, arts education teachers, designers, photographers, as well as a number of professionals whose activities require a degree of knowledge about the history art and architecture, such as historians, social scientists, museologists, journalists, sociologists, scenographers, stylists, tour guides, and so forth.
This aim of the course is not merely to complement topics introduced at undergraduate level, but to provide a structured approach to the history of art and architecture which takes periodization into account without neglecting episodes of discontinuity and rupture. Hence its insistence on the interrelationship between a specific comprehension of the aesthetic phenomenon and its insertion in the cultural, historical and aesthetic field.
In this context, art and architecture in Brazil become especially relevant both to the course’s curricular structure and its final assignment.
Schedule and Time Requirements
Gávea Unit
March 14, 2016 to June 6, 2016 (1st Period)
Mo-Th, from 7pm to 10pm
Additional Information
Check out the course’s Faculty (subject to changes), program, and class synopses in PUC-Rio’s CCE site.
Through this link you may also fill out a form to receive information about this course.
Certificate: Students who satisfactorily fulfill the attendance and performance requirements will receive a certificate of completion.
Indigenous and African presence: stories from Africa and the Americas
The main objective of the short course is to offer an overview of the histories and cultures of indigenous peoples, Africans and their descendants in Africa and the Americas, from the 15th to the 20th century, based on the studies of the invited researchers. In addition, it will be possible to build connections between Africa and the Americas, developing trajectories and comparative scenarios over time.
The course is aimed at students and teachers interested in a general approach to the proposed theme.
Additional Information
Consult the faculty (subject to change), the program, the menu of subjects on the CCE site of PUC-Rio about the course. Through this link it is also possible to register to receive information about this course. Certificate: The student who satisfactorily satisfies the requirements for attendance and achievement will be entitled to a certificate.
Afro-Brazilian History and Culture
Seeking to contribute towards the scholarly and professional development of participants, the course in the history of Africa, Africans and their descendents in Brazil provides a deeper understanding of key aspects of Modern and Contemporary History, and of interrelationships with the history of Brazilian society. The course also aims at enhancing research and reflection practices as important elements in meeting the current challenges that full integration and the exercise of citizenship face.
The course is aimed at teachers in elementary, middle and higher education institutions; professionals; NGO and social movement activists, and other professionals and university students.
Additional Information
Check out the course’s Faculty (subject to changes), program, and class synopses in PUC-Rio’s CCE site.
Through this link you may also fill out a form to receive information about this course.
Certificate: Students who satisfactorily fulfill the attendance and performance requirements will receive a certificate of completion.
Os Conflitos do Século XXI em Perspectiva
O Curso de Especialização “Os Conflitos do Século XXI em Perspectiva” tem por objetivo a análise em perspectiva dos recentes conflitos que permeiam o cenário político internacional. Atentando para aspectos políticos e socioculturais, a reflexão se estruturará no diálogo entre conceitos e construções de sentido que estão na base de muitas tensões locais e regionais com as questões geopolíticas inerentes a um mundo pós-guerra fria e as possibilidades de estruturação de uma ordem internacional multipolar.
Em diálogo com as referências teóricas da História da Cultura, o curso propõe uma reflexão sobre as continuidades, descontinuidades e ressignificações de ideias e conceitos como imperialismo, nacionalismo, raça, fundamentalismo, violência e guerra, em busca da compreensão de um processo de construção de identidades coletivas e exclusão do outro que estão no centro de muitas das tensões e conflitos contemporâneos.
Mais Informações
Veja o corpo docente (sujeito a alteração), o programa, a ementa das disciplinas no site do CCE da PUC-Rio sobre o curso.
Através deste link também é possível realizar um cadastro para receber informações sobre este curso.
Certificado: O aluno que preencher satisfatoriamente os quesitos frequência e aproveitamento terá direito a certificado.