Professional Master’s Degree in the Teaching of History
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Coordinator: Prof. Maurício Barreto de Alvarez Parada
See the notice :
See here the completed dissertations
This is a stricto sensu graduate program in the teaching of history. Accredited by CAPES and the Ministry of Education, it consists of a 2-year course with an inter-institutional structure and it is offered nation-wide. It leads the student to the Master’s Degree in the Teaching of History. Its main goal is to establish itself in the medium run as an important tool in the continued education of elementary level teachers in Brazil, providing graduates with certified qualifications to exercise the profession of history teacher.
PROFHISTÓRIA is under the coordination of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is made up of Local Academic Boards which bring together institutions of higher education in several states of the federation, known as associate institutions. PUC-Rio is the only private university among the associate institutions integrating the program.
PROFHISTÓRIA seeks to develop articulation strategies between undergraduate and graduate programs and between elementary and higher education, stressing the meaningful role the university can perform in formulating and executing public policies for training elementary and middle school teachers. In this sense, it seeks to promote university activities beyond their traditional role in the early training of teachers by intervening in the continued education of teachers through the Professional Master’s Program, thus aiming towards promoting a significant social impact.
Teacher’s Enrollment: timetable and criteria
Teachers are accepted into PROFHISTÓRIA and scholarships are distributed by means of a National Acceptance Examination based on a program whose contents are previously defined and publicized through a public announcement.
The National Acceptance Examination consists of a single test given simultaneously at least once a year by the Local Academic Boards in the premises of the Associated Institutions. The norms presiding the National Acceptance Examination, the requirements for enrollment, the schedules and locations for the exams, the number of places available in each associated institution and the criteria for grading are defined in a public announcement by the National Academic Board.
The place candidates obtain in the National Entrance Examination determines both the approval and selection of teachers, and also the distribution of scholarships, in accordance to the requirements determined by the sponsoring agencies. The availability of places offered by Local Academic Boards is considered separately.
In order to be eligible for enrollment in the PROFHISTÓRIA program, candidates must have a Licentiate diploma accredited by the Ministry of Education with concentration in the discipline History in Elementary Education that meets the requirements put forth by PROFHISTÓRIA’s National Entrance Examination.
Teachers will be enrolled in the Associated Institutions in charge of issuing the Master’s in the Teaching of History diploma once all requirements for the conclusion of this course are met.
Areas of concentration and lines of research
Area of concentration: The teaching of history
Description: How can the knowledge of history contribute towards thinking the relationship between past / present / future, influenced by remembrance, by forgetting and by the expectations from individuals and groups, taking into account that to remember and to forget are integral aspects of life in society, of cultural identities and of political association? Starting off with this question, the graduate studies with emphasis on the Teaching of History addresses two complementary demands: On the one hand there is the demand to reflect upon school teaching, taking into account the schools’ body of knowledge, its practices, and their relationship with the discipline. On the other hand, there is the need to understand the multiple ways of teaching and learning history in contemporary society beyond what is offered in school, creating a critical tension vis-à-vis both professional historiography and the teaching of the discipline at its different levels. Those demands stem from the current move toward memory and the struggle for rights, added to the tensions over the dispute between writing and teaching history, which have been diversifying its forms and promoting multiple ways of using (and abusing) the past. It is incumbent upon professionals in the field to probe this complex movement and the various resources proper to gaining historical knowledge so as to understand the historicity of experience and the many ways of writing and teaching History.
Lines of Research
1) Forms of Historical Knowledge in Schools
Description: This line researches the processes of teaching and learning history, taking into account the specificities of the knowledges and practices the school mobilizes. The focus falls on the educational conditions to which teachers and students are subject and on the practice of history teaching at school, conceived as a locus of production and transmission of contents, and which meets parameters for organizing and classifying historical knowledge by means of a curriculum. Such curriculum is understood as historically constituted knowledge, that is, as a form of social and disciplinary regulation.
2) Historical Languages and Narratives: Production and Dissemination
Description: This line researches the problem of language and historical narrative, taking into account varied sources such as books, movies, TV shows, websites, maps, photographs, and so on. Starting by questioning the use of language, the aim is to produce materials for educational use considering, among others, the possibility of scientific dissemination of history.
3) Historical Knowledge in Different Spaces of Memory
Description: This line researches the production and learning of history in non-school environments such as museums, theaters, cultural centers and the urban space in general. History is identified in this context as a socio-cultural reference practice. Research in this line focuses on the various forms of representing and using the past in public spaces with different characteristics from those observed in school. Examples of objects of study include historical tourism, monuments, civic feasts and exhibitions.
End of Course Project / Master’s Dissertation
The Project/Dissertation must aim both to translate what the student learned along the coursework and to produce knowledge that can be disseminated, analyzed and used by other area professionals within the different contexts where different forms of representing the past are mobilized.
Despite its final format, this project must incorporate the three dimensions studied throughout the course:
- the appropriation of recent studies and debates on the themes under scrutiny;
- the critique of the knowledge and practices accumulated in this area;
- the possibilities of producing and acting in the field of the teaching of history in such way as to lead to advances in the field’s ongoing discussions and to the improvement of the practices of the history professionals, inside and/or outside the classroom. To that end, the Dissertation must consist of two parts: A critical and analytical part covering dimensions 1 and 2 above; and a propositional part covering dimension 3 above.
The final product may take a variety of formats such a dissertation text, a documentary, an exhibition, didactic material, an intervention project for a school, museum or similar venue, as long as it incorporates the three dimensions described above.
The dissertation be carried on and evaluated in two stages:
The first stage corresponds to the qualifying examination, which consists of the presentation and examination of the dissertation project, which must include the critical and analytical components of the course. This will take the form of a scholarly text that must include a statement and justification of the theme and the problem the research is tackling; the goals of the project and the chosen theoretical interlocutions; the plan which justifies the format of the projected dissertation. This stage should be ready by the end of the third semester, at which time the student will submit the paper to and discuss it with a committee made up of three professors, one of them being the student’s advisor.
The second stage corresponds to the dissertation proper, in a format to be determined in dialogue with the advising professor. The deadline for examination is the end of the fourth semester of the course. The thesis examination consists of an oral viva open to the general public by a committee of three PhD-holding professors, one of them being the adviser, and at least one other being a professor from outside the Associated Institution.
Instituições Parceiras
No Rio de Janeiro
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ (Coordenação Nacional)
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro – PUC-Rio
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ
Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UNIRIO
Universidade Federal Fluminense – UFF
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro –UFRRJ
Nos Demais Estados
Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina – UDESC
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UfSM
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande – FURG
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS
Universidade Federal de Tocantins – UFT
Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM
Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul – UEMS
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa – UEPG
Universidade do Estado da Bahia – UNEB
Universidade do Estado do Mato Grosso – UNEMAT
Universidade Estadual do Paraná – UNESPAR
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP
Universidade Regional do Cariri – URCA
Universidade de São Paulo – USP
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso – UFMT
Universidade Federal do Paraná – UFPA
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE
Universidade Federal do Paraná- UFPR
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte – UFRN
Universidade federal do Sergipe – UFS
Universidade Federal do Amapá – UNIFAP
Universidade Federal de São Paulo – UNIFESP