(Português) Minicurso de pós-graduação com a Profª Kaira M. Cabañas (School of Art + Art History, University of Florida)

Friday August 23rd, 2019

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Common Creativity: The History of Modern Art and Psychiatry

Minicurso de pós-graduação com a Profª Kaira M. Cabañas (School of Art + Art History, University of Florida)


This course takes the history of psychiatry and the production of art by psychiatric patients as its central object of investigation. The aim here is not to undertake such a historical account fully. Rather, students will be looking at moments in the history of madness when the idea is redefined or at issue, with an emphasis on the 20th century. Furthermore, the course considers how competing understandings of madness as well as the so-called “art of the insane” intersected with and inflected aesthetic modernism at various moments in the course of the 20th century, focusing on the French and Brazilian contexts. The course ends with a consideration of contemporary global art exhibitions and the appearance of psychiatric patients’ work in this context, from the Venice Biennial to the São Paulo Biennial.



Pas très brut: abstração na arte dos pacientes psiquiátricos modernos.

– O dentro é o fora: Arte, loucura e gestalt no Rio de Janeiro

– Visita guiada ao Museu de Imagens do Inconsciente

– Toward Discomfort: Selections from Learning from Madness (palestra)


Dias e horários:

03 de setembro, 09-12h e 13-16h

04 de setembro, 13-16h (visita guiada: transporte gratuito para inscritos saindo da PUC às 12 horas)

06 de setembro, 11-14h


Informações adicionais:

12 horas de duração (1 crédito). Gratuito. As aulas serão ministradas em português e inglês.

Para matrícula e mais informações: www.his.puc-rio.br / debora_marques@puc-rio.br / 3527-1100



– Arte, Autonomia e Política

– Departamento de História