(Português) Seminário Internacional “Conexões Policiais: Histórias Atlânticas e Perspectivas Globais”, PUC-Rio, 19-21 de junho de 2017.

Tuesday May 30th, 2017

Conexões Policiais: Histórias Atlânticas e Perspectivas Globais

Policing Connections: Atlantic histories and Global Perspectives

Rio de Janeiro, 19-21 jun. 2017.





Dia 1 / Day 1 / 19 jun.

Auditório do IAG

PUC-Rio – Marques de São Vicente 225

9.00 h.

Conexões Policiais: Sessão de Abertura

Policing Connections: Welcome Session

  • Diego Galeano (Departamento de História PUC-Rio)
  • Marcos Bretas (Instituto de História – UFRJ)
  • Maria João Vaz (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)

Circulação de saberes e modelos policiais I

Circulation of knowledge and police models I


10.00 h. – 12.00 h.

  • Catherine Denys (Université de Lille):

The Port Louis police office in Mauritius at the end of the 18th century: metropolitan police knowledge and colonial adaptations in the Indian Ocean.

  • Vincent Denis (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)

Spies, writers and kings : police reform and Enlightenment in 18th-century Europe.

Circulação de saberes e modelos policiais I

Circulation of knowledge and police models I


14.00 h. – 17.30 h.

  • Quentin Deluermoz (Université de Paris 13)

A global bobby? circulations, adaptations and comparisons of a police experience in the 19th century (London, Paris, Bombay, New York). 

  • Gonçalo Rocha Gonçalves (Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)

Police Reform and the Transnational Circulation of Police Models in the in the 19th Century Portuguese World.

  • André Rosemberg (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo)

Paul Balagny and the French Mission in São Paulo: Police and Politics in the Brazilian First



Dia 2 / Day 1 / 19 20 jun.

Sala Celso Lemos

3º andar Instituto de História UFRJ


09.30 h. – 12.00 h.

Policiamento transnacional e redes de vigilância I

Transnational policing and surveillance networks I

  • Paul Knepper (Central Washington University)

The Road to Buenos Aires? The International Police Response to Human Trafficking, 1881-1945.

  • Cristiana Schettini (Universidad Nacional de San Martín – CONICET)

From the League of Nations to Mangue: sex, race and police surveillance in Rio de Janeiro, 1920s.

  • Diego Galeano (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro)

Counterfeiting money and transnational police networks in the Atlantic World, 1900-1930.


14.00 h. – 16.00 h.

Policiamento transnacional e redes de vigilância II

Transnational policing and surveillance networks II

  • Wouter Klem (Utrecht University)

Between National Politics and Transnational Action: Joint Police Efforts against the Anarchist Conspiracy, 1881-1914.

  • Martín Albornoz Crespo (Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales – Universidad de San Martín)

The Buenos Aires Police and international surveillance of anarchism: knowledge, practices and tensions (1890-1915).


16.30 h. – 18.00 h.

Sessão de Encerramento  / Final Session

Anja Johansen (University of Dundee)

Democratic Policing as a UK article for export: a critical appreciation.

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